Meet your NextGen Leadership Team – Eric Schubert

Name: Eric Schubert
Age: 17
: New Jersey


What is your role at The NextGen Genealogy Network?

Volunteer Coordinator – I make sure that volunteers are representing NextGen at genealogical events and conferences throughout the country.

How did you hear about NextGen?

I heard about NextGen on Twitter and really was intigued by its mission. I applied for the Volunteer Coordinator position shortly after to get involved and was happy to be accepted.

When did you first get interested in genealogy?

I would say I first got involved in genealogy via a mixture of two experiences. My grandparents all passed in a short time period when I was younger, so I didn’t feel as if I knew my family history, etc. Around that time period, I was also home sick during the winter often and would be searching for something to do. My Mom suggested I try and do something productive, and research my family history after seeing one of those “” commercials – I did, and the rest is history.

Do you have a specific area of expertise or interest?

Not yet. I try my hand at everything!

What is your favorite type of genealogical record?

Naturalization records. I feel like they’re the type of record that people think of when they are asked about genealogy, so I enjoy researching & sharing them.

If you could meet any ancestor, who would it be?

My great grandmother, Janet. She died when my Mother was younger and I’ve talked with many people who knew her well. On all accounts, she was the sweetest person and I have many of her old scrapbooks, etc that I’ve digitized. So, I just always love researching her.

Are you involved in any local societies/organizations?

Yes – I am a member of two local historical societies in my area.

 What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new genealogist?

Stay focused & organized.

Do you plan on becoming a Certified or Accredited Genealogist in the future?

Definitely! I plan on doing so once I graduate from college in 2023.

Where can we find you online? (FB/Instagram/website/email etc)

Twitter – @ESGenealogy

[email protected]

